With the interactive educational robot Photon on a sustainable path

Interactive STEAM competitive game

Workshop participants will learn about the Photon robot and the basics of controlling the robot in space. Software will be used that allows the robot to be controlled in several ways, either by simply drawing a path with a finger on a tablet or composing programming commands with programming languages. At the workshop, we want to easily arouse interest in researching new technologies and only connect this with environmental awareness. Therefore, the participants will assign tasks to the Photon robot on the floor polygon, which will be guided along a path with the application on the tablet, where they will have the opportunity to choose between more or less.

Udeleženci delavnice se bodo seznanili z Photon robotom in osnovami vodenja robota v prostoru. Uporabljena bo programska oprema, ki omogoča vodenje robota na več načinov, ali z enostavnim risanjem poti s prstom po tablici ali sestavljanjem programskih ukazov s programskimi jeziki. Na delavnici želimo na enostaven vzbuditi zanimanje za raziskovanje novih tehnologij in le to povezati z okoljskim ozaveščanjem. Zato bodo udeleženci robotu Photon določili naloge na talnem poligonu, ki ga bodo z aplikacijo na tablici vodili po poti, kjer bodo imeli možnost izbirati med bolj ali manj. 

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