Watching the movie “The Story of River Sava”

Join us at the screening of the movie The Story of River Sava together with the creators of the movie BALKAN RIVER DEFENSE, who are working to preserve our rivers.

It carves canyons, brings fertile soil, creates rapids, nesting places and deep pools. People drink its water, it is the inspiration for songs and arguments and a source of energy. The Sava River is a fluid connection between four countries and countless ecosystems. Join four pop-up kayakers as they paddle across Slovenia, sampling its water, counting birds and learning about its wild past, dark history and uncertain future.

Join us at the screening of the movie The Story of River Sava together with the creators of the movie BALKAN RIVER DEFENSE, who are working to preserve our rivers.

Ogled filma Zgodbe Save

Izrezuje kanjone, prinaša rodovitno prst, ustvarja brzice, gnezdišča in globoke tolmune. Ljudje pijejo njeno vodo, je navdih za pesmi in prepire ter vir energije. Reka Sava je tekoča povezava med štirimi državami in neštetimi ekosistemi. Pridružite se štirim pojavnim kajakašem, medtem ko veslajo prek Slovenije, jemljejo vzorce njene vode, štejejo ptice in spoznavajo njeno divjo preteklost, temno zgodovino in negotovo prihodnost.

Pridružite se nam na projekciji filma ZGODBA SAVE skupaj z ustvarjalci filma BALKAN RIVER DEFENCE, ki se trudijo za ohranitev naših rek.

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