Visit to good practices of sustainable development and integral green economy, 2. 6. 2015: Domel in Železniki and Biotechnical Centre Naklo

Visit to good practices of sustainable development and integral green economy, 2. 6. 2015: Domel in Železniki and Biotechnical Centre Naklo / Ogled dobrih praks trajnostnega razvoja in integralne zele

Citizens’ Initiative for Integral Green Slovenia, Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia (SOS), company Domel in Železniki and Biotechnology Center Naklo are inviting to visit good practices of sustainable development and integral green economy, with a professional explanation of this new development approach round table discussion. This event will upgrade information communicated at the Conference INTEGRATING POTENTIALS FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE on 1 June in Ljubljana.

The visit to Domel will include a presentation, round table and a tour of the company as well as a visit to the Museum with testimonies of the cultural heritage that has shaped today’s global penetration of the high technology green corporation. The second part of the excursion, in the afternoon, will take place in Biotechnical Centre Naklo, an educational and research center specialized in organic agriculture and sustainable business, with presentation, discussion and tour of the institution.

Državljanska pobuda za Integralno zeleno Slovenijo, Skupnost občin Slovenije, podjetje Domel iz Železnikov in Biotehniški center Naklo vas v torek, 2. junija 2015 vabijo k ogledu dobrih praks integralne zelene ekonomije, s strokovno razlago tega novega razvojnega pristop in razpravo. S tem dogodkom nadgrajujemo informacije, posredovane na POSVETU POVEZOVANJE POTENCIALOV ZA TRAJNOSTNO PRIHODNOST dne 1. junija v Ljubljani.

Obisk Domela bo vključeval predstavitev, okroglo mizo in ogled podjetja ter obisk muzeja s pričevanji o kulturni dediščini, ki je sooblikovala današnji svetovni prodor te visokotehnološke in zelene gospodarske družbe. Drugi, popoldanski del strokovne ekskurzije bo s predstavitvijo, razpravo in ogledom ustanove potekal v Biotehniškem centru Naklo, izobraževalnem in raziskovalnem središču za ekološko kmetijstvo in trajnostno poslovanje.

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