Versatile use of aromatic oils

We will present you with various recipes for relieving health problems in a natural way.

We will present you with various recipes for relieving health problems in a natural way. We will learn which oils to use for a sore ear, which for better sleep, how to ease flu problems, help with coughs and much more. At the end of the workshop, we will prepare a mixture that participants can take home.

Predstavili vam bomo različne recepte za lajšanje zdravstvenih težav na naraven način. Spoznali bomo, katera olja uporabiti za boleče uho, katera za boljše spanje, kako blažiti težave ob gripi, si pomagati pri kašlju in še mnogo več. Ob koncu delavnice bomo skupaj pripravili mešanico za domov.

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