Sustainable fashion creation for children with a fashion show

In a fun atmosphere, we will create unique fashion creations from used clothes and other waste materials and present them ourselves at a fashion show at the end of the workshop.

In a fun atmosphere, we will create unique fashion creations from used clothes and other waste materials, and at the end of the workshop we will present them ourselves at a fashion show, in which the humanoid robot Pepper named Barbara will also participate. You will be able to take the products home and use them to refresh your wardrobe in an environmentally friendly way.

We will transfer fashion trends from the past to the present and thereby empower ourselves and practically test the possibilities of reuse, because the fashion industry, in addition to the oil industry, pollutes our planet the most due to the introduction of harmful chemicals, the destruction of natural resources and the exploitation of labor.

In order to reduce textile waste in your households as much as possible, we invite you to bring an old piece of clothing (shirt, dress, shirt, trousers) and together we will transform it into a unique and one-of-a-kind piece and breathe new life into it.

V zabavnem vzdušju bomo iz ponošenih oblačil in ostalih odpadnih materialov kreirali unikatne modne kreacije in jih na koncu delavnice sami predstavili na modni reviji, na kateri bo sodelovala tudi humanoidna robotka Pepper z imenom Barbara. Izdelke boste lahko odnesli domov in z njimi na okolju prijazen način osvežili vašo garderobo.

Modne trende iz preteklosti bomo prenesli v sedanjost in se s tem opolnomočili ter praktično preizkusili možnosti ponovne uporabe, kajti modna industrija poleg naftne najbolj onesnažuje naš planet zaradi vnosa škodljivih kemikalij, uničevanja naravnih virov ter izkoriščanja delovne sile.

Da bi v svojih gospodinjstvih čim bolj zmanjšali tekstilne odpadke vas povabimo, da s sabo prinesete kakšen odslužen kos oblačila (majica, obleka, srajca, hlače) in s skupnimi močmi ga bomo preoblikovali v unikaten in enkraten kos ter mu vdihnili novo življenje.

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