STEAM sustainable creative workshops

Introducing the STEAM creative sustainable approach into the learning environment allows us to open a creative window.

The sustainable STEAM creative workshop is an interdisciplinary interweaving of environmental awareness and fun practical creation of products from waste materials. Although it is possible to buy almost everything today, children are still very interested in what they create themselves as a product of their own imagination. At the workshop, we will practically test how waste can be an excellent opportunity to develop creativity and strengthen students’ STEAM potential.

Trajnostna STEAM kreativna delavnica je interdisciplinarni preplet okoljskega ozaveščanja in zabavnega praktičnega kreiranja izdelkov iz odpadnih materialov. Čeprav je danes možno kupiti skoraj vse, je otrokom še vedno zelo zanimivo tisto, kar kot plod lastne domišljije ustvarijo sami. Na delavnici bomo praktično preizkusili, kako je lahko odpadek odlična priložnost za razvijanje kreativnosti in krepitev STEAM potencialov pri učencih.

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