Reading the rocks

The birds chirp, wolves howl, horses neigh … know how to communicate with animals, but as we speak the stones? The rocks beneath the soil, store information
accumulated over thousands of years.

The birds chirp, wolves howl, horses neigh … know how to communicate with animals, but as we speak the stones? The rocks beneath the soil, store information accumulated over thousands of years. The shapes, structures and tracks we find them, we reveal the climate, wildlife and terrain of the time. On this tour, we will analyze rocks on Ulia cliffs are left exposed to the secrets they have saved for centuries. Output: Interpretation Center Ulía.

Txoriek txioka, otsoak uluka, zaldiak irrintzika… ezagutzen ditugu animalien hotsak baina nola hitz egiten digute harriek? Gure lurrazalaren azpian dauden arrokek milaka urtetan pilatuz joan den informazioa gordetzen dute. Bertan aurkitzen ditugun forma, egitura eta aztarnei esker, garai desberdinetako klima, biztanle eta erliebea ezagutu ditzakegu. Irteera honetan Uliako itsas labarretan begibistan geratu diren harkaitzak aztertuko ditugu mendeetan zehar

gorde dituzten sekretuak ezagutzeko. Irteera: Ulia Interpretazio Zentroa.

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