Photo, literary and meme competition for youth in Slovenia

Youth are invited to participate in the youth competition on the occasion of International Human Rights Day. The theme of this year’s competition is climate change.

Climate change is the theme of this year’s youth competition

The Association for the United Nations for Slovenia and Platform SLOGA invite you to participate in the youth competition on the occasion of International Human Rights Day. The theme of this year’s competition is climate change.

Young people between the ages of 12 and 29 can participate in the competition. The prize competition is divided into three sections: 1) literary competition, 2) photography competition, and 3) meme competition (posts for social networks). The first prize for the literary contest is a smartwatch, for the photography contest a set with virtual reality glasses, and for the meme contest a vlogging kit.

With the competition, we want to offer young people the opportunity to express their impressions and thoughts on the connection between human rights and climate change through words or photos.


Podnebne spremembe tema letošnjega mladinskega natečaja ob mednarodnem dnevu človekovih pravic

Društvo za Združene narode za Slovenijo in Platforma SLOGA vabita k sodelovanju na nagradnem mladinskem natečaju ob mednarodnem dnevu človekovih pravic. Tema letošnjega natečaja so podnebne spremembe.

Na natečaju lahko sodelujejo mladi, stari od 12 do 29 let. Nagradni natečaj je razdeljen na tri sklope: 1) literarni natečaj, 2) fotografski natečaj ter 3) natečaj za meme (objava za socialna omrežja). Prva nagrada literarnega natečaja je pametna ura, fotografskega natečaja komplet z očali za virtualno resničnost, za meme natečaj pa komplet za vloganje.

Z natečajem želimo mladim ponuditi priložnost, da svoje vtise in razmišljanja povezavi med človekovimi pravicami in podnebnimi spremembami izrazijo skozi besedo ali fotografijo.

Besedilo razpisa: Natečaj ČP 2022 RAZPIS

Prijavnica: Natečaj ČP 2022 PRIJAVNICA

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