Pet zdravih navad za vsakogar / Five healthy habits for everyone

Govorili bomo s strokovnjakom, ki se ukvarja z gojenjem in predelavo zdravilnih rastlin, svetovanjem in terapevtsko dejavnostjo. / We will be speaking with an expert in the field of medicinal plants..

The workshop will be led by Dušan Portatis Kovač, who is involved in the cultivation and processing of medicinal plants, counselling and therapeutic activities. Among other things, he is an excellent chef, and herbalist and was awarded European Innovator 2021. He makes natural medicine from macerate to nutrients from various mushrooms, herbs, and wild and medicinal plants. He lectures about his own experiences, when he worked on himself for 15 years and is now in his 60s whole, i.e. healthy. Its themes and main emphases are water, oxygen, movement, food and relaxation. His lectures are concrete with the presentation of various exercises and other practical advice.

Delavnico bo vodil Dušan Portatis Kovač, ki se ukvarja z gojenjem in predelavo zdravilnih rastlin, svetovanjem in terapevtsko dejavnostjo. Med drugim je odličen kuhar, zeliščar in nagrajeni evropski inovator 2021. Iz različnih gob, zelišč, divjih in zdravilnih rastlin izdeluje naravno zdravilo od macerata do hranila. Predava o lastnih izkušnjah, ko je 15 let delal na sebi in je sedaj pri 60-ih letih cel, torej zdrav. Njegove teme in glavni poudarki so: voda, kisik, gibanje, hrana in umiritev. Njegova predavanja so konkretna s prikazom različnih vaj in drugih praktičnih nasvetov.

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