Ljubljana Organic Gardening Guerrilla: explore and share!/Ljubljanska ekovrtnarska gverila: raziskujemo in delimo!

In the action the students will explore the differences between soil and biodiversity in/on permaculture raised beds, and the soil of the surrounding ground. The event will be web-streamed.

Ljubljana Organic Gardening Guerrilla: explore and share!

Institute for Sustainable Development – ISD, Trubarjeva 50, 1000 Ljubljana

On June 5, we will celebrate World Environment Day and the International Year of the Soil will with a research workshop “Living soil – healthy environment – healthy crops” on ISD’s urban organic garden at Student home Tabor, Ljubljana. ISD established the garden in 2014 together with the students of seven schools in Ljubljana. In this year’s action, the students will explore the differences between soil and biodiversity in/on permaculture raised beds, and the soil of the surrounding ground. The event will be web-streamed, the students will also present their school gardens which belong to ISD’s program “Organic School Garden”.

The urban organic garden and activities on it rise awareness on the importance of organic farming and healthy soil for biodiversity, environment protection and quality of the food.

Ljubljanska ekovrtnarska gverila: raziskujemo in delimo!

Izvajalec projekta: Inštitut za trajnostni razvoj, Trubarjeva 50, 1000 Ljubljana

Svetovni dan okolja 5. junij in mednarodno leto tal bomo obeležili z raziskovalno delavnico »Živa tla – zdravo okolje – zdravi pridelki« na ITR-jevem urbanem ekovrtičku pred dijaškim domom Tabor, ki smo ga s šolarji sedmih ljubljanskih šol ustvarili lani. Otroci in mladi bodo raziskovali razlike med zemljo in biotsko raznovrstnostjo v/na naših dvignjenih gredah in okoliškimi tlemi. Dogodek bo na ogled prek spleta, kjer bodo mladi predstavili tudi svoje šolske ekovrtove v ITR-jevem programu Šolski ekovrt.

Z urbanim ekovrtičkom in dejavnostmi na njem osveščamo o pomenu ekološke pridelave in zdravih tal za biotsko raznovrstnost, varstvo okolja in kakovostna živila.

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