I calculate my carbon footprint – Ecological footprint and sustainable development

An interactive simulation exercise calculates your carbon footprint

The simulation exercise of using the carbon calculator will be conducted by the director of the Institute for Health and the Environment, Mr. Tomaž Gorenc. Their carbon calculator was created as part of the Sustainaware project, in collaboration with the Global Footprint Network. The calculator enables the calculation of an individual’s ecological footprint based on the evaluation of his lifestyle with the key purpose of raising awareness for changes towards sustainable behavior on a personal level. The transition to a carbon-free society starts with the individual.

But the key to this calculator is that it gives us results at the end with ideas on how to lower our carbon footprint on a personal level.

The Sustainaware project is supported by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment.

Simulacijsko vajo uporabe ogljičnega kalkulatorja bo izvedel direktor Inštituta za zdravje in okolje g. Tomaž Gorenc. Njihov ogljični kalkulator je nastal v okviru projekta Sustainaware, v sodelovanju z Global Footprint Network. Kalkulator omogoča izračun ekološkega odtisa posameznika glede na vrednotenje njegovega življenjskega sloga s ključnim namenom ozaveščanja za spremembe k trajnostnim ravnanjem na osebnem nivoju. Prehod v brezogljično družbo se namreč prične pri posamezniku.

Ključno pri tem kalkulatorju je pa to, da nam da na koncu rezultate z idejami, kako znižati ogljični odtis na osebnem nivoju.

Projekt Sustainaware podpira Evropska podnebna iniciativa (EUKI) nemškega zveznega ministrstva za okolje. 

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