Education for Climate Change

National Education Institute Slovenia will organise professional networking and discussion for primary and secondary school teachers on education for climate change.

People are increasingly aware that we will have to transform our lifestyles if we want to save our planet. 

As part of the various activities organised by the National Education Institute of Slovenia to empower and strengthen the competences of teachers, a professional networking and discussion on Climate change in Education will be organised on 22 September at 14.30. The event will be held in two parts – the first part will be organized as a regular professional networking of science teachers, the second will present the project Education for Climate change. The keynote speaker will be Renato Bertalanič from Slovenian Environmental Agency, who will present climate issues. Dr. Janez Berdavs from Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning will present the main focus and purpose of the Education for Climate change project. This will be followed by presentations of good practise from Kindergarten Beltinci, Primary school Venclja Perka and Gymnasium Lava. 

Please, register here. 

Ljudje se vse bolj zavedamo, da bomo morali spremeniti svoj način življenja, če želimo ohraniti naš planet. 

V sklopu različnih aktivnosti, ki jih Zavod RS za šolstvo organizira z namenom opolnomočenja in krepitve kompetenc učiteljev, bo 22. 9. ob 14.30 organizirana strokovna razprava Podnebni cilji in vsebine v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Dogodek bo potekal v dveh delih – prvi bo organiziran kot redno strokovno druženje učiteljev naravoslovnih predmetov, v drugem bo predstavljen projekt Podnebni cilji in vsebine v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Osrednji govorec bo Renato Bertalanič (ARSO), ki bo predstavil podnebno problematiko. Dr. Janez Berdavs (MOP) bo predstavil glavne poudarke in namen projekta Podnebni cilji in vsebine v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Sledile bodo predstavitve dela vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodov (Vrtec Beltinci, OŠ Venclja Perka in ŠC Celje – Gimnazija Lava) na področju podnebnih sprememb.

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