Eco fit corner

Ljudska univerza Kranj will have their own stand in eco market Mavčiče. All the activities and the program on the stand will be focused on sustainable development theme.

Ljudska univerza Kranj will have their own stand in eco market Mavčiče. All the activities and the program on the stand will be focused on sustainable development theme. The visitors can participate in a quiz, the wheel of fortune, 5-minute practice for a healthy spine, a creative workshop and many other fun, interactive and educational activities. There will be also some rewards for the most active participants.

Na ekološki tržnici v Mavčičah bo svojo stojnico imela tudi Ljudska univerza Kranj. Vse aktivnosti na stojnici in spremljajoči program smo pripravili na temo trajnostnega razvoja. Udeleženci se bodo lahko udeležili kviza z nagradami, kolesa sreče, umovadbe, 5 minut za zdravo hrbtenico, ustvarjalne delavnico ter še veliko drugih zabavnih, interaktivnih in izobraževalnih aktivnosti.

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