Brezplačno energetsko svetovanje v Ljubljani / Free energy consulting in Ljubljana

Brezplačno energetsko svetovanje mreže ENSVET v Ljubljani / Free energy consulting in Ljubljana by Energy Advisory Network (ENSVET) – 20. & 21. SEP 2022, 9.00 – 13.00

As part of the European Sustainable Development Week the Energy Advisory Network (ENSVET) that operates under auspices of Eco Fund, Slovenian Environmental Public Fund will organise an open event in a public space. Energy consultants will offer free energy consulting with the aim of raising awareness of the environmental, economic and social challenges of sustainable development..

We will point out the importance of improving the energy efficiency of our homes and buildings, as this is a key step towards a more sustainable and climate-resilient city. With a objective to raise awareness of the importance of ecological renovations, that lead to the development of a sustainable economy and society we will distribute promotional material to the participants and encourage them to take part in a free energy consultation at the event or afterwards.

Mreža ENSVET  Eko sklada, j.s. v sklopu  Evropskega tedna  trajnostnega razvoja – ETTR (European Sustainable Development Week – ESDW) 20. in 21. septembra med 9. in 13. uro v Ljubljani organizira brezplačno energetsko svetovanje. 

Javnost bomo ozaveščali o pomenu izboljšanja energetske učinkovitosti naših domov in zgradb, saj je to ključni korak k bolj trajnostnim in podnebno odpornejšim mestom, ter o pomenu ekoloških prenov, ki vodijo v razvoj trajnostnega gospodarstva, ki je izvor novih dejavnosti, novih podjetij, novih delovnih mest.

Udeležencem bomo razdeljevali informativna gradiva ter jih usmerjali k udeležbi na brezplačnem energetskem svetovanju na samem mestu dogodka ali v kateri od lokalnih pisarn po Sloveniji.

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