Biodiversity at ground level

The course is proposed with the aim of raising awareness of the variety of species of amphibians and reptiles and in turn of behaviors that we observe in the town of Donostia and surroundings.

The workshop will combine theory and practice for two days. For starters, the theoretical notions work. For this Saturday May 30, a theoretical workshop will be held at the Centre for Environmental Resources Cristina Enea, from 16:00 to 20:00. Then on Saturday, at 21:30 pm an exit to Mount Urgull to observe firsthand the habitats of amphibians and reptiles will be held.


On Sunday meanwhile, the observation will be carried out in broad daylight, and which will take place at 10:30 am at the Park Cristina Enea.

The price of the activity is 35 euros, and it is necessary to register (943 466 142 / .Taller jointly organized by Enea Cristina Foundation and the Department of Herpetology Aranzadi Science Society.

Ikastaroak teoria eta praktika uztartuko ditu, bi egunetan. Hasteko, teoria landuko da. Horretarako maiatzak 30ean, larunbata, saio teorikoa izango da 16:00etik 20:00era Cristina Eneako Ingurumen Baliabideen Etxean. Ondoren, larunbatean bertan, gaueko 21:30ean anfibioak eta narrastiak behatzeko irteera egingo da Donostiako Urgull mendira.

Igandean bestalde, bigarren behaketa saio bat egingo da, oraingoan egun argitan, goizeko 10:30ean Cristina Eneako parkean izango baita.

Jardueraren prezioa 35 eurokoa da, eta aldez aurretik izena eman beharra dago (943466142 / Cristina Enea Fundazioak eta Aranzadi Zientzia Elkarteko herpetologia sailak elkarlanean antolatutako jarduera.

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