Workshop on Strengthening Government Capacities for Strategic Policy Planning and Foresight

Workshop on Strengthening Government Capacities for Strategic Policy Planning and Foresight

This workshop, targeted at key high Government officials involved in policy and programme implementation, is being organised within the framework of the project led by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) funded by the European Commission’s Structural Reform Support Programme (DG REFORM). The aim of this project is to support the Maltese Government in the formulation of the Sustainable Development Strategy and Action Plan.

Workshop dwar Ippjanar strateġiku u fit-tul ta’ politiki

Workshop immirat għal uffiċjali għolja tal-Gvern involuti fl-implimentazzjoni ta’ politiki, organizzati b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Organizzazzjoni għall-Kooperazzjoni Ekonomika u l-Iżvilupp (OECD), bħala parti mill-proġett iffinanzjat mill-Programm ta’ Appoġġ għar-Riforma Strutturali tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea. Dan il-proġett qed jassisti lill-Gvern Malti fit-tfassil ta’ Strateġija għall-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli għall-2050.

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