Tajno šumsko društvo

During European sustainable development week the focus of Secret Forest Society workshop will be on sustainable play and empowerment of children through education about importance of biodiversity.

Secret Forest Society are interdisciplinary workshops in nature for preschool and early school-age kids with an emphasis on the creative process, research, problem-solving, and imagination development. An unconventional approach to learning through play strengthens the connection with nature, awakens curiosity, encourages observation, teaches empathy, and develops environmental awareness. Through workshops, art intertwines with different fields such as ecology, botany, storytelling, crafting, etc. A Secret Forest Society promotes sustainable play, and in accordance with this idea, used materials are found in nature. Each workshop is held in a different forest location in Zagreb (which has plenty of forests within the city itself) with the aim of allowing children to get to know their city in a different way. 

Na radionicama Tajnog šumskog društva, nekonvencionalnim pristupom učenja kroz igru, osnažuje se veza s prirodom, budi znatiželja, potiče opažanje, uči empatija i razvija ekološka svijest. Kroz radionice se umjetnost isprepliće s različitim područjima kao što su ekologija, botanika i zoologija. U fokusu je održiva igra, te u skladu s tom idejom na radionicama djeca koriste se materijale koje sama pronađu u prirodi. Radionice se održavaju u park-šumama Zagreba.

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