Sustainable Practices at Hilton Malta

An information video-campaign will now be launched by Hilton Malta to explain the ways in which we have managed to reduce waste.

Hilton Malta has invested in 2 major projects over the last couple of years to eliminate single use plastics in the hotel.

The first big task was installing filtered water taps in each of our guest rooms. This helped us eliminate the plastic water bottles given to all our guests when checking-in. 

Secondly, we have managed to eliminate the small plastic soap bottles. We have installed dispensers in guest room that can take up enough soap/shampoo/lotion etc for 30 days of use and can then be re-filled. This has not only eliminated the use and waste of all the small amenity bottles, but it has also eliminated the waste of a lot of soap which used to be left in the small bottles which of course couldn’t then be given to the next guests checking into the room.

Our video campaign will explain the above in more detail and aims to raise awareness on how everyone can make a difference in the amount of waste they generate.


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