Sustainable choice – potatoes from our school garden

The initiative of the teachers and students of the Drežnica Regional School to grow food in the school garden according to ecological principles with the aim of better nutrition in the school.

In the school project “Fairy tale in the garden”, an activity called “Sustainable choice – potatoes from our school garden” was organized. Senior students of the Drežnica Regional School will pick grown potatoes of the “Desiree” variety from the field, the school garden. The students planted potatoes in the spring of this year. The students will sort the potatoes according to size (smaller and larger) and finally weigh them. After the work activity, the students will be greeted by a prepared lunch in the school kitchen.

There will be a discussion with the students about the stages/phases of growing potatoes (soil preparation, planting, plant care and protection from pests, weeds and diseases).

They will discuss the costs of production, the economics and importance of ecological plant cultivation for human health, the importance of biodiversity, i.e. the importance of sustainable development and the global goals of sustainable development. With this activity, students will cooperate with each other, spend time in the fresh air, develop skills and new knowledge.

U školskom projektu "Bajka u vrtu", organizirana je aktivnost pod nazivom "Održivi izbor – krumpir iz našeg školskog vrta". Učenici viših razreda Područne škole Drežnice pobrati će uzgojeni krumpir sorte "Desiree" sa njive, školskog vrta. Krumpir su učenici zasadili u proljeće ove godine. Učenici će razvrstati krumpir po kalibraži (sitniji i krupniji) i na kraju će izvršiti vaganje. Nakon radne aktivnosti učenike će dočekati pripremljen ručak u školskoj kuhinji.

S učenicima provesti će se razgovor o etapama/fazama uzgoja krumpira (pripremi tla, sadnji, brizi o nasadu i zaštiti od štetnika , korova i bolesti).

Razgovarati će se o troškovima proizvodnje, o ekonomičnosti i važnosti ekološkog uzgoja biljaka za ljudsko zdravlje, važnosti bioraznolikosti odnosno važnosti održivog razvoja i globalnih ciljeva održivog razvoja. Ovom aktivnosti učenici će međusobno surađivati, provoditi vrijeme na svježem zraku, razvijati vještine i nova znanja. 

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