Various school activities aimed at raising awareness about the importance of sustainable development and what we can do in our everyday lives to live sustainably.

Teachers and students will organize a workshop at school aimed at raising awareness about sustainable development goals. Students will learn about sustainable development goals and what they can do to live more sustainably. Students will collect old medicine and plastic bags from their households. Students will make a video and digital posters which will serve as a guide for living sustainably. Also, they will learn how to make jewelry and greeting cards using the scrapbook technique. Students will learn how to plant medicinal herbs. 

Učitelji i učenici će u školi organizirati radionicu s ciljem podizanja svijesti o ciljevima održivog razvoja. Učenici će naučiti o ciljevima održivog razvoja i o tome što mogu učiniti da žive održivije. Učenici će skupljati stare lijekove i plastične vrećice iz svojih kućanstava. Učenici će izraditi video i digitalne plakate koji će im poslužiti kao vodič za održivi život. Također, naučit će izraditi nakit i čestitke tehnikom Scrapbook. Učenici će naučiti kako saditi ljekovito bilje.

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