Separate the paper, save the forests!

From September 20-22, 2023, from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., the students of the Sivica Regional School will collect old paper together with the cooperation of the residents of Sivica and Celina.

From September 20-22, 2023, from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., the students of the Sivica Regional School will collect old paper together with the residents of Sivica and Celina. The collected paper will be shipped from the school yard by the competent utility company. During the class, students will learn about the importance of sorting and recycling paper, and through a video, they will learn about the process of recycling old paper into new paper. With this activity, we want to emphasize the importance of proper waste management and forest conservation.

Učenici Područne škole Sivica će od 20.-22.rujna 2023. godine u vremenu od 7.30 do 15 sati zajedno u suradnji s mještanima Sivice i Celina skupljati stari papir. Sakupljeni papir će otpremiti sa školskog dvorišta nadležna komunalna tvrtka. Na nastavi učenici će upoznati važnost sortiranja i recikliranja papira te putem videa upoznati put prerade starog papira u novi. Ovom aktivnošću želimo naglasiti važnost pravilnog gospodarenja otpadom te očuvanja šuma.

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