Semaine du Climat Granville

Organisée à l’initiative de citoyens de Granville, la semaine du climat veut sensibiliser le public à la question climatique, fédérer les énergies et mettre en mouvement les citoyens.

Organized in partnership with UNICEF, on the initiative of citizens of the Granville country, the climate week aims to raise awareness among the public and local elected officials about the climate issue and to unite energies to take better action:

We will try to understand the causes of this major climate crisis, in terms of greenhouse gases but also of a model of society such as ultra-liberalism or capitalism as we know it. We will also identify existing or future responses to local problems caused by climate change.

Can we still limit climate change? Yes if we collectively achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. The challenge? Act at international, national, regional, local and individual levels.

How to adapt the economic model?

Economic growth is achieved very much at the expense of the planet’s resources. The more smartphones we consume, the more the stock of rare earths decreases, until it runs out, as we know. Ditto for the land that we remove from the natural space, (which has already halved biodiversity). We observe that while the model of economic development is expandable (wealth in money can increase significantly), the model that respects nature, therefore ourselves, is not expandable (the area of agricultural land is not expandable) . Under these conditions, how will the economy and public services have to adapt in compliance with IPCC recommendations and current and future European and governmental rules?

Nous tenterons de comprendre les causes de cette crise climatique majeure, en terme de Gaz à effets de serre mais aussi de modèle de société tels l’ultralibéralisme ou le capitalisme comme nous le connaissons. Nous recenserons également les réponses existantes ou à venir aux problèmes locaux causés par le dérèglement climatique.

Peut-on encore limiter le dérèglement climatique ? Oui si nous atteignons collectivement zéro émission nette de carbone en 2050. Le défi ? Agir aux niveaux international, national, régional, local et individuel.

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