Repair Café Asse

Repair Café’s are cosy meetings where people try together to give a second life to broken stuff like electrical appliances, bikes, clothes, furniture, PC’s,…

During a Repair Café people can bring broken stuff and repair it with the help of volunteers. People can also drink and eat something and have a chat. Goals are to reduce the amount of waste, to keep knowledge about repairing locally and to strengthen the social cohesion.

In Asse three Repair Café’s are being organised in April-May 2015 on three different locations with many different local organisations. More information:

Tijdens een Repair Café kan men meegebrachte kapotte spullen repareren met hulp van vrijwilligers. Tussendoor kan men gezellig iets drinken en eten en een praatje maken. Doelstellingen zijn het verkleinen van de afvalberg, het behouden van kennis over repareren en het versterken van de sociale cohesie.

In Asse worden in april-mei 2015 drie Repair Café's op drie locaties georganiseerd: Meer info:

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