Recconecting with the wood

A shinrin yoku walk to reconnect with nature, turn the mind to peace and oneself, making land art sculptures and objects, from material collected in the wood, which will be decomposed over time

Only if we shift our mind and reconnect with nature through direct contact with it we can effectively protect the environment. Through this contact, we come closer to ourselves, other human beings and other living species. We become part of the natural circle. One of the most beautiful ways to reconnect with nature is Japanese shinrin yoku – forest bathing, through which we calm the mind and return it to “true nature”. We pay attention to ourselves and the environment, we become more aware, calmer and more open. We also become aware of our role in the environment and notice problems, and we can start to act to protect and change the paradigm for a healthy and green future.

With this action, we promote returning to nature among young people, and abiding in it and communicating with it through land art – making sculptures from materials from the forest, which remain in the forest and slowly decompose over time, reminding us of the natural cycle of creation and decomposition.

Zaštititi okoliš učinkovito možemo samo ako okrenemo svoj um prirodi i ponovno se povežemo s njom kroz izravan kontakt. Tim kontaktom se približavamo sebi, drugim ljudima i drugim živim vrstama. Postajemo dio prirodnog kruga. Jedan od najljepših načina ponovnog povezivanja s prirodom je japanski shinrin yoku – šumsko kupanje, kojim umirujemo um i vraćamo ga „pravoj prirodi“. Time obraćamo pažnju na sebe i okolinu, postajemo svjesniji, smireniji i otvoreniji. Također postajemo svjesni svoje uloge u okolišu i uočavamo probleme te možemo početi djelovati u zaštiti i mijenjati paradigmu za zdravu i zelenu budućnost.

Ovom akcijom za mlade promičemo povratak prirodi, te ostanak u njoj i komunikaciju s njom kroz land art – izradu skulptura od materijala iz šume, koji ostaju u šumi i s vremenom se polako razgrađuju, podsjećajući nas na prirodni ciklus stvaranja i razgradnje.

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