Plavi svemir/Blue Universe

The Blue Universe public event will be held on September 22 and 23 in Osijek. Aim of the event is to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable and to promote civic activism.

The Blue Universe public event will be held on September 22 and 23 in Osijek, at four locations: Pope Ivan Paul II Square, Ante Starčević Square, near the Secession Fountain, in Zrinjevac Park and Oskar Nemon Park, and will bring together musicians and dancers from the city, schools , associations, organizations, sports clubs that will sing, dance, create, model, create in interaction with citizens.

The aim of the event is to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable and to promote civic activism in various areas: creativity, tradition, crafts, science, education, sports, entrepreneurship, culture, art and the inclusion of children, young people, adults with special needs and disabilities .

The organizer of the event is Udruga Breza with the support of the City of Osijek, the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Osijek which are implementing the three-year project Eyes Hearts Hands – Urban Revolution (EHHUR) funded by the Program for Research and innovations – Horizon Europe.

Javno događanje Plavi Svemir održat će se 22. i 23. rujna u Osijeku, na četiri lokacije: Trgu pape Ivana Pavla II, Trgu Ante Starčevića, kod Secesijskoga zdenca, u Parku Zrinjevac i Parku Oskara Nemona te će okupiti glazbenik i plesače grada, škole, udruge, organizacije, sportske klubove koje će u interakciji s građanima pjevati, plesati, stvarati, modelirati, kreirati.

Cilj je događanja učiniti gradove uključivima, sigurnima, otpornima i održivima te promovirati građanski aktivizam u različitim područjima: stvaralaštvu, tradiciji, zanatima, znanosti, obrazovanju, sportu, poduzetništvu, kulturi, umjetnosti te uključivanje djece, mladih, odraslih osoba s posebnim potrebama i invaliditetom.

Organizator događanja je Udruga Breza uz podršku Grada Osijeka, Građevinskog i arhitektonskog fakulteta Osijek koji zajedno provode trogodišnji projekt Eyes Hearts Hands – Urban Revolution (EHHUR) financiran iz Programa za istraživanje i inovacije – Obzor Europa.

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