Planting ornamental plants in the school yard

Students of the first grade of elementary school will plant several ornamental plants in the school yard. They will discuss the care and cultivation of plants.
In addition, they will have to take care

In the Nature and Society lesson, the students learned about the seasons. They learned that it is now autumn and that in autumn different seedlings of ornamental shrubs or trees are planted.

Because of this, with the help of the teacher, they planted cypresses in the school yard. They put the remaining plastic containers in the plastic collection bin and learned the difference between waste and garbage.

Na satu Prirode i društva učenici su učili o godišnjim dobima. Saznali su da je sada jesen i da se u jesen sade različite sadnice ukrasnog grmlja ili drveća.

Zbog toga su uz pomoć učiteljice posadili čemprese u školskom dvorištu. Preostale plastične posude odložili su u spremnik za plastiku i naučili razliku između otpada i smeća.

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