Participate in the creation of the ecologically resilient community on island Brac in Croatia

7 days of action in the sustainable community living in unison with the environment, nature and culture of the island Brac. JOIN US with your physical strength, creative forces and magical powers!

Activities on the path to create the first ecological resilient community in Croatia on a beautiful island Brac:


  • Shaping/pruning of the olive trees that were affected by the great fire 4 years ago
  • Clearing and preparing the field for the future garden – mostly pulling gum rockrose
  • Expanding the bin to breed several more litters of miraculous Californian worms
  • Gardening (planting and mulching, replanting)
  • Restoration of drystone wall construction which is precious example of cultural heritage in this region (local name: bunja) OR Restoration of the part of drystone wall

Aktivnosti na uzbudljivom putu stvaranja prve ekoloske otporne zajednice u Hrvatskoj na predivnom otoku Bracu ukljucuju:

  • Formiranje/ rezidba izgorenih stabala maslina koje su nastradale u velikom pozaru prije 4 godine
  • Krcenje i pripremanje terena za buduci vrt – uglavnom cupanje busina
  • Sirenje glistinca kako bi uzgojili jos nekoliko legala cudesnih kalifornijskih glista
  • Rad u vrtu (sadnja i malciranje, presadjivanje)
  • Popravak kamene suhozidne gradjevine – bunje, koja je dragocjeni primjerak kulturne bastine ILI Popravak dijela suhozida 

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