Our Feathered Neighbours

Education event that aims to teach children about nature and biodiversity preservation.

In collaboration with BIOM association, a lecture and workshop for primary school children will be held. Volunteer Hrvoje Pleše will present the Association and their work, and talk about different species of birds – their habitats, feeding habits, behaviour, and main threats they can encounter in cities. He will also talk about the ways that people can help them. This event is organized within the project “Green Libraries for Green Zagreb” of Zagreb City Libraries.

U suradnji s volonterom Udruge BIOM održat će se predavanje i radionica za djecu osnovnoškolskog uzrasta. U okviru susreta volonter Hrvoje Pleše predstavit će Udrugu i čime se bave njezini članovi, a zatim će govoriti o različitim vrstama ptica - o njihovom staništu, prehrani i ponašanju, o glavnim prijetnjama na koje ptice nailaze u naseljima te načinima na koje im ljudi mogu pomoći.  Događanje se organizira u okviru projekta "Zelena knjižnica za zeleni Zagreb", koji provode Knjižnice grada Zagreba.

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