Od smeća do cvijeća 2 – From trash to flowers vol. 2

Raise awareness of the importance of preserving the environment, as well as development of personal responsibility in the protection of the Planet through the action of reusing old plastic bottles.

Again this year, we are organizing the action to make flowers out of old plastic bottles and recycle waste materials. In addition to the ecological benefit, this action has an educational goal. Through presentations, educational animated films and short films, students will be introduced to the problem of sustainable development; learn about relationships with the environment and nature in the future.

Recycling is a great way to both help the environment and decorate a schoolyard. 

I ove godine nastavljamo s prošlogodišnjom inicijativom, akcije izrade cvijeća od starih plastičnih boca tj. recikliranja otpadnog materijala.

Osim ekološkog karaktera, akcija ima edukativan učinak. Učenici će se kroz prezentacije, edukativne animirane filmove i kratke filmove upoznati s problemom održivog razvoja; učiti o boljem odnosu prema okolišu i prirodi u budućnosti. 

Krajnji cilj je uređenje školskog vrta recikliranim cvijećem načinjenim od boca.

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