Ljekovito samoniklo bilje

Students will search for medicinal plants in our school yard. They will learn to recognize those plants and learn about their medicinal properties.

Students with developmental disabilities learn best through practical activities and concretization, so this activity will also be conducted in that way. The project will be implemented as follows:

– A walk through the school yard and the local park accompanied by a teacher mentor

– mentors locate and show students wild medicinal plants, stating their names

– students observe the appearance of a particular plant and try to remember it

– students themselves look for and show a particular plant in the meadow

– students harvest plants with roots and collect up to ten different types of medicinal plants

– according to the mentor’s instructions, the students straighten the plants and leave them to dry

– students, with the support of their mentors, research and write down how to use 

– dried plants are placed in frames and placed on the school wall with written information on how to use them and their medicinal properties

– other students and staff of the school are invited to see the exhibition and learn about the medicinal properties of wild plants

Učenici s teškoćama u razvoju najbolje uče kroz praktične aktivnosti i konkretizaciju, stoga će se i ova aktivnost provoditi na taj način. Projekt će se provoditi na sljedeći način: 

- Šetnja školskim dvorištem i lokalnim parkom u pratnji nastavnika mentora

- mentori lociraju te učenicima pokazuju samonikle ljekovite biljke navodeći njihov naziv 

- učenici promatraju izgled pojedine biljke te ga pokušaju upamtiti

- učenici sami traže i pokazuju pojedinu biljku na livadi

- učenici ubiru biljke s korijenom te prikupljaju do desetak različitih vrsta ljekovitog bilja

- učenici prema uputama mentora ravnaju biljke i odlažu na sušenje 

- učenici uz podršku mentora istražuju i zapisuju način korištenja i ljekovita svojstva biljaka

- osušene biljke se stavljaju u okvire i postavljaju na zid škole uz pisanu informaciju o načinu korištenja i ljekovitim svojstvima

- ostali učenici i djelatnici škole su pozvani pogledati izložbu i naučiti o ljekovitosti samoniklog bilja

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