Let it green!

Raising forest tree lines and planting individual trees on areas that are part of public institution High School Matije Antuna Reljkovića in Slavonski Brod.

Raising forest tree lines and planting individual trees on areas that are part of public institution Matija Antun Reljković High School in Slavonski Brod. Improving the microclimate in the environment of raised forest area. 

Volunteering students in terms of planting trees. This activity aims to reduce the negative impact on the cities environment, with special attention to air quality, creating a sustainable city and community. Nurturing already raised orchards of old varieties of quince and medlar, young chestnut seedlings, with the aim of maintaining the biodiversity of the urban environment.

Sadnja stabala na području srednje škole Matije Antuna Reljkovića u Slavonskom Brodu. Poboljšanje mikroklime područja u okruženju škole. Volontiranje učenika na poslovima sadnje sadnica i održavanja podignutih nasada. Ova aktivnost ima za cilj smanjiti negativan utjecaj gradova na okoliš, s posebnom pažnjom na kvalitetu zraka, stvarajući održivi grad i zajednicu. Njegovanje već podignutih nasada voćaka starih sorti dunje i mušmule, mladih sadnica pitomog kestena, s ciljem održavanje biološke raznolikosti urbane sredine.

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