La Fresque des Aliments Ultra-Transformés

Notre projet a pour ambition de faire adopter un comportement alimentaire plus éco-responsable, en faisant émerger des solutions à travers une fresque.

Our project aims to promote a more eco-conscious dietary behavior by bringing forth solutions through a mural. This involves:

Raising awareness among the public about the environmental and health impact of the consumption of highly processed foods (ultra-processed foods).

Encouraging awareness of nutritional and environmental issues, especially to prevent the onset of being overweight/obesity in young people.

Inspiring action to consume differently, taking into account the planet’s limited resources.

Our project aims to promote a more eco-conscious dietary behavior by bringing forth solutions through a mural. This involves:

Raising awareness among the public about the environmental and health impact of the consumption of highly processed foods (ultra-processed foods).

Encouraging awareness of nutritional and environmental issues, especially to prevent the onset of being overweight/obesity in young people.

Inspiring action to consume differently, taking into account the planet's limited resources.

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