It can be different – Ecological footprint and how to reduce it

Ecological and educational workshop for children on how we can change our behavior and improve our impact on the environment and participate in sustainable development.

As part of the Sustainable Development Week, we are organizing an ecological and educational workshop in cooperation with the Zeleni klik association. We will learn how to change our behavior and improve impact on the environment and how we can participate in sustainable development. Children will make jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets and key rings, all out of paper. Also, during the workshop we will discuss new concepts such as the ecological footprint and how to reduce it.

The workshop was organized as part of the Green Library for Green Zagreb project, in which numerous libraries participate, and the goal is to educate the public about environmental protection and a sustainable society.

U sklopu Tjedna održivog razvoja održat ćemo ekološko-edukativnu radionicu u suradnji s Udrugom Zeleni klik! Naučit ćemo kako promijeniti svoje ponašanje i utjecaj na okolinu te na koji način možemo sudjelovati u održivom razvoju. Djeca će izrađivati nakit od papira poput ogrlica, narukvica i privjesaka za ključeve te tijekom radionice usvojiti nove pojmove poput ekološkog otiska i kako ga smanjiti.

Radionica je organizirana u sklopu projekta Zelena knjižnica za zeleni Zagreb u kojima sudjeluju brojne knjižnice, a cilj je educirati javnost o zaštiti okoliša i održivome društvu.

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