Info day

Info day on energy poverty – POWERPOOR, ENPOR and EmpowerMed project. As part of project UrbamSTEM citizens will be offered option of riding an e-bike and MEATR solar calculator will be used.

As part of the POWERPOOR project, our goal is to provide a platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge, and to facilitate the implementation of smaller energy efficiency measures and the installation of renewable energy sources through the establishment of energy communities using alternative financing schemes. We will rely on the ENPOR project to inform citizens about public calls for energy retrofit. With this in mind, on Saturday we will advise citizens on how they can save energy. One of the goals of the EmpowerMed project is the implementation of practical measures against energy poverty, such as visits to households, an approach – do-it-yourself. We will instruct them in the use of the METAR solar calculator for sizing the photovoltaic system for citizens, and, through the UrbanSTEM project, introduce them to the advantages of using an electric bicycle.

U sklopu projekta POWERPOOR cilj nam je osigurati platformu za razmjenu iskustava i znanja, te olakšati provedbu manjih mjera energetske učinkovitosti i ugradnju obnovljivih izvora energije kroz osnivanje energetskih zajednica koristeći alternativne sheme financiranja. Na projekt ENPOR ćemo se osloniti radi obavještavnja građana o javnim pozivima za energetsku obnovu. S tim na umu, građane ćemo u subotu savjetovati o tome kako mogu uštedjeti energiju. Jedan od ciljeva projekta EmpowerMed je implementacija praktičnih mjera protiv energetskog siromaštva poput posjeta kućanstvima, pristupa u kojoj akter samostalno nešto izrađuje (do-it-yourself approach). Uputit ćemo ih na korištenje METAR solarnog kalkulatora za dimenzioniranje fotonaponskog sustava za građane, te ih, putem projekta UrbanSTEM, upoznati s prednostima korištenja električnog bicikla. 

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