Hrana nije otpad

One third of all food produced for human consumption is wasted globally each year. This event raises awareness and educates about this important global issue.

According to the European Commission, 380,000 tons of food is thrown away in Croatia every year, the vast majority of which is from households.

Food waste is a global issue, both environmentally and socially – it is estimated that about 30% of all food globally produced is thrown away!

All the participants will see for themselves the display of the amount of food that every person in Croatia throws away each year. At the same time, our chefs will be cooking brunches made from leftover food and demonstrate recipes for the “day after”. Leaflets about preventing food waste will be handed out and there will be a poster of how to correctly store food in a refrigirator.

The activity is carried out within the project “Knowledge for Sustainable Action”, implemented within the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Program, and is co-financed by the Ministry of Science and Education.

Prema podacima Europske komisije u Hrvatskoj se godišnje baci 380 tisuća tona zdravstveno ispravne hrane, od čega se velika većina odnosi na hranu iz kućanstava.

Rasipanje hrane veliki je problem, kako u okolišnom, tako i u društvenom segmentu - procjenjuje se da se oko 30% sve proizvedene hrane baci! 

U sklopu događaja građani će imati prilike vidjeti koliko hrane godišnje baci jedna osoba, a na licu mjesta gastro znalci će kuhati marende spravljene od ostataka hrane te će demonstrirati recepte za "dan poslije". Građani će brojne savjete spronaći u informativnim letcima koje ćemo dijeliti, a moći će vidjeti i prikaz pravilno složenog hladnjaka.

Aktivnost se provodi u okviru projekta "Znanje za održivo djelovanje" koji se provodi u sklopu Švicarsko-hrvatskog programa suradnje, a sufinanciran je sredstvima Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja.

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