From recycling to music – making musical instruments from recycled materials

To develop an awarness of ecosystem protection by reducting the production of hazardous materials at the workshop we will make children’s musical instruments using items from everyday use.

To develop an awarness of ecosystem protection by reducting the production of hazardous materials at the workshop we will make children’s musical instruments using items from everyday use. The plan is to make percussion instruments, bells and drums using cardboard tubes from paper towels, seeds of different plants (beans, rice, ect.), small stones, old buttons, cans and used boxes of various products. The goal of this workshop is also to encourage children to develop a sense of rhythm, so at the end of the workshop we will perform several rhythmic songs and counters using the instruments we made ourselves.

Malci kreativci – attendees of the children’s creative group will participate in the Novi Zagreb library workshop.

The workshop is organised as part of The Green Library for Green Zagreb project (Zagreb City Library).

Kako bismo razvili svijest o očuvanju okoliša smanjenjem proizvodnje materijala koji ugrožavaju ekosustav, na radionici ćemo izrađivati dječje muzičke instrumente koristeći predmete iz svakodnevne upotrebe. U planu je izrada zvečki, zvončića i bubnjeva koristeći kartonske tube od papirnatih ubrusa, sjemenke različitih biljaka (grah, riža i sl.), kamenčiće, stare gumbe, konzerve i iskorištene kutijice različitih proizvoda.

Cilj ove radionice je potaknuti djecu i na razvoj osjećaja za ritam, te ćemo na kraju radionice izvesti nekoliko ritmičkih pjesmica i brojalica koristeći instrumente koje smo sami izradili.

Na radionici će sudjelovati Malci kreativci – polaznici dječje kreativne radionice Knjižnice Novi Zagreb.

Radionica je dio projekta Zelena knjižnica za zeleni Zagreb (Knjižnice grada Zagreba).

Voditeljica radionice: Dunja Lacković Ćurić

Ključne riječi: recikliranje, ekosustav, glazba, udaraljke, djeca, radionica

Datum održavanja aktivnosti: 26. rujna 2023. u 18h

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