From fragile to AGILE individuals and community

In a one week artistic residency, an artist will work with children from the local elementary school, raising their awareness about the importance of biodiversity and sustainable development.

In order to raise the awareness of (not only) the youngest members of our community about the importance of biodiversity and sustainable development, we have chosen the theme of a locally important natural feature – Medulin pond (small lake). We have also chosen a special guest – an artist with a master’s degree in art pedagogy – to involve our local elementary school children in a creative and artistic process focused on awareness raising and education. Led by the artist, the children will participate in an educational-creative recycling workshop and will also become the cocreators of a large mural about the Medulin pond and the wealth and importance of its plant and animal life in the past, in the present and in the future. The work on the mural will involve upper class students, while the recycling workshop will be held for the smaller children from the same elementary school. The results will be shown to the public, the media and to the whole community. 

 Kako bismo osvijestili (ne samo) najmlađe članove naše zajednice o važnosti bioraznolikosti i održivog razvoja, za temu smo odabrali lokalno važno prirodno obilježje - Medulinsku lokvu (jezerce). Također, odabrali smo i posebnog gosta - umjetnicu s diplomom magistra likovne pedagogije - koja će uključiti naše lokalne osnovnoškolce u kreativni i umjetnički proces usmjeren na podizanje svijesti i edukaciju. Djeca će, pod vodstvom umjetnice, sudjelovati u edukativno-kreativnoj radionici reciklaže te postati sukreatori velikog murala o Medulinskoj lokvi te bogatstvu i važnosti njenog biljnog i životinjskog svijeta u prošlosti, sadašnjosti i u budućnosti. U radu na muralu sudjelovat će učenici viših razreda, dok će se radionica recikliranja održati za manju djecu iz iste osnovne škole. Rezultati će biti prikazani javnosti, medijima i cijeloj zajednici.

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