Friday Night Run 2021

Friday Night Run is held in the heart of Tartu on October 1st. The program kicks off with a live concert in Town Hall Square, followed by a 4 km run in city streets.

Friday Night Run combines a cool music experience with chill sports.

4 km track lined with lights and candles take the runners to the most  exciting places in the city center.

The event is part of Tartu City Marathon program. 

Tartu Linnamaratoni soojendusjooksuks on laheda atmosfäärgia Friday Night Run. Tartu südamesse, Raekoja platsile koonduv üritus algab meeleoluka kontserdiga, misjärel võetakse ette lühike, 4km jooksutiir sügisõhtuses Taaralinnas. 

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