Farm to Fork Festival

The Festival will be combined with open conference presenting the results of the e-learning platform set up as part of the DG FARMER project financed by Erasmus+ KA220-VET.

The Festival will focus in particular on the presentation of the e-learning platform developed within the DG FARMER Erasmus+ project (KA220- VET), which will contribute to the promotion of digital education in the agri-food sector and the implementation of the Farm to Fork strategy in local and European communities. The project team has developed a total of 6 modules to train VET professors, adult education centers, educators, farmers, NGOs, researchers, practitioners and other stakeholders. The event is planned as an open conference to gather participants to exchange ideas and experiences on the project topics, support the development of future partnerships, foster collaboration on topics of mutual interest, and ensure the sustainability of project results after the end of the grant period.

Festival će posebno biti usmjeren na predstavljanje platforme za e-učenje razvijene u okviru DG FARMER Erasmus+ projekta (KA220-VET), koja će doprinijeti promicanju digitalnog obrazovanja u poljoprivredno-prehrambenom sektoru i provedbi strategije Od polja do stola u lokalnim i europskim zajednicama. Projektni tim razvio je ukupno 6 modula za obuku profesora strukovnih škola, centara za obrazovanje odraslih, edukatora, poljoprivrednika, nevladinih organizacija, istraživača i drugih dionika. Događaj je planiran kao otvorena konferencija koji će okupiti sudionike radi razmjene ideja i iskustava o temama projekta, podrške razvoju budućih partnerstava, poticanja suradnje na temama od zajedničkog interesa i osiguravanja održivosti rezultata projekta nakon završetka razdoblja dodjele bespovratnih sredstava. 

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