EQVEGAN ERASMUS+ project and education on sustainability, digitalization, green and soft skills – Innovative trainings in Croatia

Presentation of educational materials for innovative and scientifically updated training. European certification scheme for training and job profiles.

Consumer trends towards more

sustainable and healthy diets are

boosting the development of new

processes and technologies

applied to plant-based raw

materials. As a consequence, the

food industry is expanding in plant-

based products, including those

that did not exist before (e.g. cereal

or nut drinks and new alternatives to

meat and dairy products). Additionally, the increased

sustainability requirements,

together with digitalization and

automatization trends, are quickly

changing the work environment

making it more challenging to

develop new and up-to-date skills

of workers.

The objective of the project is to

support the fast-changing sector of

plant-based processing

(vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes

and nuts), by responding to the

urgent needs on upskilling of staff

competences and mobility of

professionals in Europe.

Innovative and scientifically

updated training;

European certification

scheme for training and job


Sector Skills Alliance on

training for the vegan food


Tools and services such as a

stakeholders’ database and an

apprenticeship scheme;

Food skills portal open to

students, educators, food

industry professionals and food

companies, to facilitate the

outcomes of the project.

Potrošači koji se okreću prema

održivijoj i zdravijoj prehrani potiču

razvoj novih procesa i tehnologija

primijenjenih na sirovine biljnog

podrijetla. Posljedično tome,

prehrambena industrija proširuje

svoju ponudu proizvodima biljnog

podrijetla, te uključuje i one koji

prije nisu postojali (npr. napitci od

žitarica ili orašastih plodova i nove

alternative mesnim i mliječnim

proizvodima). Osim toga, povećani zahtjevi za

održivošću, zajedno s trendovima u

digitalizaciji i automatizaciji, brzo

mijenjaju radno okruženje te tako

razvoj novih i modernih vještina u

radnoj populaciji postaje izazovniji.

Cilj projekta je podržati sektor

prerade namirnica biljnog

podrijetla (povrće, voće, žitarice,

mahunarke i orašasti plodovi) koji se

brzo mijenja, te odgovoriti na žurne

potrebe za usavršavanjem

vještina zaposlenika i mobilnosti

stručnjaka u Europi.

Inovativna i znanstveno

aktualna obuka;

Europski program

certificiranja za

osposobljavanje i profile


Savez za sektorske vještine u

osposobljavanju za

proizvodnju veganske hrane;

Alati i usluge poput baze

podataka dionika i programa


Portal prehrambenih vještina

otvoren je studentima,

nastavnicima, stručnjacima i

tvrtkama u prehrambenoj

industriji kako bi se olakšalo

postizanje rezultata projekta

Theme category

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