Crowdfunded solar plant opens in the Croatia

Innovative Croatia school uses crowdfunding for solar power plant

Using the fundraising site, the Ostrog School raised US$ 10,000. They combined this with the UNDP funds as well as with funds from local donations and live concert. Local County provided some additional finances that were used for hydro and thermal insulation of the roof; and at the end one private company invested their money on ESCO principle (financing from savings). In the end school managed to end up with a total of US$ 120,000. At the moment all lights in school are being changed to efficient LED lights, and solar power plant is being built on the school roof. So in few days – this school is actually becoming energy independent, in terms of electricity, as on annual basis school is producing as much electricity as it is consuming! School wants to develop a energy-saving model that could ultimately help Croatia’s 2,000 elementary schools produce energy through the installation of renewable systems. 

Osnovna škola Ostrog je putem grupnog financiranja prikupila 10,000 US$. Tome su pridodana sredstva UNDP-a i sredstva prikupljena kroz lokalne donacije i koncert. Novac je donirala i županija, čija sredstva  su uložena u hidro i termo izolaciju na krovu škole; a na kraju je jedna privatna tvrtka investirala svoj novac po ESCO principu. Škola je tako na kraju privukla donacije u iznosu od 120,000 US$. U školi su trenutno sve žarulje zamijenjene s efikasnijom LED rasvjetom, a sada se planira i postavljanje sunčeve elektrane na krovu škole. U idućih nekoliko dana će škola postati energetski neovisna po pitanju električne energije jer će na godišnjoj razini proizvoditi isto koliko će i potrošiti! Škola razvija energetski model koji bi mogao postati primjer za 2,000 drugih osnovnih škola kako proizvoditi energiju putem obnovljivih izvora energije.

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