CREATIVE WORKSHOP by Ivana Glibota and Ana Polić Pavlinović

Workshop of creative paper recycling, held by academic painters Ivana Glibota and Ana Polić Pavlinović will teach members of Association Sunce in making of usable and artistic items out of used object

Workshop of creative paper recycling, held by academic painters Ivana Glibota and Ana Polić Pavlinović will teach members of Association Sunce in making of usable and artistic items out of used objects. Children will learn how to design likeable sculptures made of ordinary, used things ; how to recycle them and use them again. It is an excellent example of work therapy with disabled persons.

Radionica kreativnog recikliranja koju vode akademske slikarice Ivana Glibota Pandžić i Ana Polić Pavlinović podučit će članove Udruge osoba s invaliditetom Sunce izradi uporabnih i umjetničkih predmeta od starih stvari. Djeca će, uz stručno i kreativno vodstvo, naučiti kako se od svakodnevnih uporabnih predmeta i nakon „roka trajanja“ mogu izraditi dopadljive skulpture, korisni uporabni predmeti, kako im dati novi život, reciklirati i upotrijebiti ih ponovo.

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