Traditional post-season cleaning of the peninsula from waste accumulated by irresponsible individuals. Removal of graffiti from natural karst rocks.

The action begins with a gathering at the parking lot in front of the Osejava hotel. From there we will proceed together towards the Osejava point. Our primary objective is to clean up a 250-meter stretch of coastline that has been accumulating debris for the past six months, since our last cleanup effort. Unfortunately, the city administration has not been taking care of this rocky area located right next to the sea, despite it being a popular destination for tourists and visitors during the summer tourist season.

In addition to collecting and disposing of the waste, we are also committed to removing graffiti that has been irresponsibly drawn on the rocks. Given that the Osejava peninsula, with its famous rocks, represents the eastern part of the Makarska seaport, we are dedicated to ensuring that this picturesque location maintains its natural beauty.

By coming together and taking action, we aim to restore the area to its pristine state and preserve it for the enjoyment of both locals and tourists alike. Together, we can make a positive impact on our community and protect the natural beauty of our coastline

Akcija počinje okupljanjem na parkiralištu ispred hotela Osejava. Odatle ćemo zajedno nastaviti prema točki Osejava. Naš primarni cilj je očistiti dio obale od 250 metara koji je gomilao krhotine posljednjih šest mjeseci, od našeg posljednjeg pokušaja čišćenja. Nažalost, gradska uprava nije vodila računa o ovom kamenjaru smještenom tik uz more, iako je popularno odredište turista i posjetitelja tijekom ljetne turističke sezone.

Osim prikupljanja i zbrinjavanja otpada, angažirani smo i na uklanjanju grafita koji su neodgovorno iscrtani po stijenama. S obzirom da poluotok Osejava sa svojim čuvenim stijenama predstavlja istočni dio makarske luke, posvećeni smo tome da ovo slikovito mjesto zadrži svoju prirodnu ljepotu.

Udruživanjem i djelovanjem cilj nam je vratiti ovo područje u njegovo netaknuto stanje i sačuvati ga za uživanje kako lokalnog stanovništva tako i turista. Zajedno možemo pozitivno utjecati na našu zajednicu i zaštititi prirodne ljepote naše obale

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