Calculate your ecological footprint!/ Izračunaj svoj ekološki otisak!

Using the ecological footprint calculator, students will calculate their ecological footprint and give suggestions on how to reduce the high ecological footprint of an individual.

Ecological footprint is the most simply described, a measure of human impact on natural resources. It shows the relationship between the demands of man and his economic activities on the biologically productive area and the earth’s regenerative capacity.

The ecological footprint assesses whether our way of life is truly sustainable for our daily needs, such as: production (and transport) of fruits and vegetables, fish, meat, etc., use of fossil fuels with high emissions of carbon(IV) oxides, and the necessary space for construction of buildings and roads.

The total ecological footprint of humanity is considered to be more than 50% of the Earth’s capacity. According to the above data, for human needs, another planet is already needed for life.

Using the ecological footprint calculator, students will calculate their ecological footprint and examine the impact on four categories of life: nutrition, travel, shopping for various necessities, and household. Students will give suggestions on how to reduce the high ecological footprint of an individual.Through new knowledge, students’ ecological awareness and their understanding of the importance of sustainable development is encourage

Ekološki je otisak najjednostavnije opisano, mjera ljudskog utjecaja na prirodne resurse. Prikazuje odnos između zahtjeva čovjeka i njegovih gospodarskih djelatnosti na biološki produktivno područje i zemljine regenerativne sposobnosti.

Ekološki otisak procjenjuje je li naš način života uistinu održiv za naše svakodnevne potrebe kao što su primjerice: proizvodnja (i transport) voća i povrća, ribe, mesa i dr., korištenja fosilnih goriva uz visoku emisiju ugljikova(IV) oksida te potrebnog prostora za izgradnju zgrada i cesta.

Smatra se da ukupni ekološki otisak čovječanstva iznosi više od 50 % Zemljinog kapaciteta. Prema navedenim podatcima, za potrebe ljudi, već je sada potreban još jedan planet za život.

Učenici će koristeći kalkulator za izračunavanje ekološkog otiska izračunati svoj ekološki otisak i ispitati utjecaj na četiri kategorije života: prehranu, putovanje, kupovinu različitih potrepština i domaćinstvo. Učenici će dati prijedloge kako smanjiti visok ekološki otisak pojedinca.

Kroz nova saznanja, potiče se ekološka svijest učenika i njihovo razumijevanje važnosti održivog razvoja.

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