All Eyes on the SDGs: Scotland’s International Development Alliance Annual Conference 2023

Join Scotland’s International Development Alliance at the stunning Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh, or online, for our Annual Conference 2023.

Half way to the target year of 2030, the conference will consider how we can reignite passion and commitment for the SDGs, taking inspiration from people and communities across the world to renew the SDG agenda for Scotland and the planet.

Panel sessions will consider how the SDGs inform decision-making in Scotland and globally; the role of AI and new technology in progressing the SDGs; and how we can inspire more public understanding and support. The conference will be chaired by Hermione Cockburn, Scientific Director at Dynamic Earth and Broadcaster.

So what are you waiting for! Join us for this exciting and informative event, where you will have the chance to connect with other professionals, experts, and practitioners working on the SDGs, share your experiences and challenges, and learn from best practices and success stories.

Reserve Your Space

Half way to the target year of 2030, the conference will consider how we can reignite passion and commitment for the SDGs, taking inspiration from people and communities across the world to renew the SDG agenda for Scotland and the planet.

Panel sessions will consider how the SDGs inform decision-making in Scotland and globally; the role of AI and new technology in progressing the SDGs; and how we can inspire more public understanding and support. The conference will be chaired by Hermione Cockburn, Scientific Director at Dynamic Earth and Broadcaster.

So what are you waiting for! Join us for this exciting and informative event, where you will have the chance to connect with other professionals, experts, and practitioners working on the SDGs, share your experiences and challenges, and learn from best practices and success stories.


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