„____________-it“ GEOLOŠKA RADIONICA

Geološka radionica za djecu

Center for Culture and Education Susedgrad as part of the European Sustainable Development Week on September 20, 2022 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., in front of the Podsused Library, Podsusedski trg 3, will present a free geological workshop “____________-it” for children from 6 to 12 years old.

Labradorite, muscovite, biotite, hematite, pyrite and sphalerite! No, we did not invoke spirits or ancient spells, but several representatives of minerals that you will meet at this workshop. What are minerals and what are rocks and how are they formed? What is “fool’s gold” and what is a desert rose? Become a geologist and join us at this workshop with a strange name – “____ – it” and explore what all the Earth’s treasures can tell us.

Diamonds, precious stones and other valuable minerals can be status symbols, but they can also hide many “dark secrets”. Therefore, as part of the European Week of Sustainable Development, at the workshop we will discuss the exploitation and use of rocks and minerals in industry and potential threats to the environment.

Leader: Antonio Svorenji, App&Tech Consulting

Centar za kulturu i obrazovanje Susedgrad u sklopu Europskog tjedna održivog razvoja 20.rujna 2022. godine od 18,00 do 19,30 sati, ispred Knjižnice Podsused, Podsusedski trg 3,

predstavit će besplatnu geološku radionicu „____________-it“ za djecu od 6 do 12 godina.

Labradorit, muskovit, biotit, hematit, pirit i sfalerit! Ne, nismo prizvali duhove niti drevne uroke već nekoliko predstavnika minerala koje ćeš upoznati na ovoj radionici. Što su minerali, a što stijene te kako oni nastaju? Što je „zlato za budale“, a što pustinjska ruža? Postani geolog i pridruži nam se na ovoj radionici čudna naziva - „____ - it“ te istraži što nam sve Zemljina blaga mogu ispričati.

Dijamanti, drago kamenje i drugi vrijedni minerali mogu biti statusni simboli, ali mogu skrivati i mnoge "mračne tajne". Stoga ćemo u sklopu Europskog tjedna održivog razvoja, na radionici razgovarati o ekspoataciji i korištenju stijena i minerala u industriji te potencijalnim prijetnjama za okoliš.

Voditelj: Antonio Svorenji, App&Tech Consulting  

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