Let’s breathe new life into a shirt

We will make simple but interesting trendy jewelry from a T-shirt we no longer use.

Bring a shirt to the workshop that you no longer use. We will use it to make fabric bags with a drawstring. We will make simple but interesting trendy jewelry from a T-shirt. We will need shirts/t-shirts, 60 cm long synthetic or cotton string, sharp scissors, sewing machine and thread. For jewelry, also bring accessories and pendants with which you will brighten up the jewelry.

Na delavnico prinesite srajco, ki je ne uporabljate več. Iz nje bomo izdelali vrečke iz blaga z zategovanjem na vrvico. Iz T-shirt majice bomo izdelali preprost, a zanimiv trendovski nakit. Potrebovali bomo srajce/majice, 60cm dolgo sintetično ali bombažno vrvico, ostre škarje, šivanko in sukanec. Za nakit prinesite tudi dodatke in obeske, s katerimi boste popestrili nakit.

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