The sea starts here: Lasnamägi

The campaign “The Sea Starts Here”, aimed at improving the health of Estonian rivers, lakes, and the Baltic Sea, and, above all, raising the environmental awareness of the Estonian people.

September 19 th is World Cleanup Day! This time, we offer not the usual harvest, but the harvest marathon. Whereas, the cigarette butts is the environmental polluter No. 1! Meanwhile, the Cleanup Day is also taking place in Pelgulinn, so at the end of the event, we’ll find out who has the cigarette butts more picked up. Be sure to come and support the Lasnamäe team!

19. septembril on maailmakoristuspäev! See kord me pakume mitte tavalist koristust, vaid konikoristusemaratoni. Kusjuures, sigaretikoni on keskkonnasaastaja nr 1! Samal ajal konikoristusmaraton toimub ka Pelgulinnas, nii et ürituse lõpus saame teada, kellel on konisid rohkem korjatud. Tulge kindlasti kohale Lasnamäe tiimi toetama!

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