Online forum on climate change for youth

Online forum on climate change targeting youth with the aim of discussing what climate change is, what systemic changes we need to initiate globally to tackle it, what consequences it entails.

Online forum on climate change targeting youth with the aim of discussing what climate change is, what systemic changes we need to initiate globally to tackle it, what consequences it entails, especially in the context of human rights, and what are the examples of youth activism around the world for change.

Tribina o klimatskim promjenama prilagođena mladima s ciljem razgovora o tome što klimatske promjene jesu, kakve sistemske promjene moramo pokrenuti na globalnoj razini da ih se uspori, koje posljedice nose sa sobom osobito u kontekstu ostvarenja ljudskih prava, te koji su primjeri borbe mladih širom svijeta za promjene.

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