Zelena pisarna

Da bi postali Zelena pisarna, je treba slediti določenim načelom – spoznali jih bomo z go. Karba (Umanotera).

The introduction of the Green Office principles brings a number of benefits to companies and organizations, their employees and society as a whole. The company or. an organization that operates on these principles promotes the efficient use of energy and resources, thereby reducing costs, promoting innovation and raising awareness of environmental problems among employees. By improving the environmental aspects of its activities, the Green Office represents one of the foundations of a socially responsible business image.

A representative of Umanotera (Slovenian Foundation for sustainable development) will present us these principles.

Uvajanje načel Zelene pisarne prinaša podjetjem in organizacijam, njihovim zaposlenim in družbi kot celoti vrsto koristi. Podjetje oz. organizacija, ki posluje po teh načelih, spodbuja učinkovito rabo energije in virov ter s tem zmanjšuje stroške, spodbuja inovativnost in vzpostavlja zavest o okoljskih problemih med zaposlenimi. Z izboljševanjem okoljskih vidikov dejavnosti Zelena pisarna predstavlja enega od temeljev družbeno odgovorne poslovne podobe.

Ta načela nam bo predstavila predstavnica Umanotere, ga. Karba.

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